Decades after its initial introduction, dental implants procedure is still the most popular choice for people in need of teeth replacements. For most of the time, the implants are tougher, last longer and require much less maintenance compared to other methods. Nonetheless, you should not neglect these implants if you wish to ensure their longevity along with your own oral health. While frequent check-ups are indeed important, you have to take good care of the implants at home as well. If you are completely clueless when it comes to home care for dental implants, you come to the right place.
Down below, you would find a couple of tips of tricks to help you maintain your dental implants at home. Take a good look at them and your implants could last a lifetime without running into any major complications. In the case you happen to be looking for a reputable clinic to get your dental implants, this article could also help you with that. Navii Dental Care, a high-class dental clinic in Hanoi, Vietnam would be introduced at the end of this article. If you want to have access to affordable yet quality dental implants, make sure you read the final section carefully.
In this post, we will know about Home Care for Dental Implant: How to Do it Properly
- The Importance Of Implants Maintenance
- The Consequence Of Implants Negligence
- Dental Implants Maintenance At Home
- Navii Dental Care: The Best Place To Get Your Implants
1.The Importance Of Implants Maintenance

Technically speaking, there is no need to use complex methods, just think of the implants as your natural teeth and take care of them accordingly. Regular brushing and flossing are sufficient in most the case though it’s likely that your dentist would require you to use additional dental products. Oral hygiene has a considerable influence on the performance and quality of the implants which mean you have to keep it at an acceptable level. As long as you able to keep the implants clean and free from infections, there is nothing to worry about.
2.The Consequence Of Implants Negligence
Unlike natural teeth, implants are invulnerable to cavities but there are other risks you need to keep in mind such as Mucositis and Peri-implantitis. If you are unable to keep your mouth clean, the dental implants could lose their support which would require immediate removal. Here is how you could tell there is something wrong with the implants: Gently massage the gum area around the implants then see what happen. If you observe bleeding, it may be an early sign of Mucositis. At that point, you have to go and see your dentist right way for a comprehensive check-up.
Fortunately, Mucositis could be treated without much effort as long as you able to detect it in an early stage. However, if you let it progress to the advanced stage unchecked, which is Peri-implantitis, the situation is simply irreversible. Peri-implantitis would cause bone loss and there is no choice but to get all affected implants out of your mouth as soon as possible. In conclusion, to get timely treatment and prevent unwanted outcomes, you have to keep an eye on your dental implants. Whenever you see something unusual with your dental implants, consult your dentist right away for the best course of action.
3.Dental Implants Maintenance At Home

Once the implants are in place, it’s easy to take care of them but you need to pay attention to what you are doing. In general, no matter if you have all-on-4 or all-on-6 implants, it’s best to take thing easy. Here are several tips and tricks you could use to keep your implants along with your mouth in good shape.
- Brush and floss all your teeth: Dental implants are indeed invulnerable to cavities but that doesn’t mean you could leave them as they are. By brushing and flossing all your teeth, including artificial ones, you would be able to prevent issues such as plaque buildup, discoloration and so on. In the case you have implant-supported bridges, you could not directly floss them because they are firmly connected together. That means you have to carefully floss right under the teeth in order to remove build ups of icky stuff.
- Dental product: Using antibacterial mouth rinse is a good way to make sure that the chance of infection is minimal. It’s nonetheless necessary to ask for advice from experts in the field before you use a particular dental product.
- Don’t treat the implants roughly: Though quite strong in general, the implants and their attached crowns could crack if subjected to too much pressure. Try not to do anything extreme with your teeth which may cause dental issues as well as damage to the implants.

Many people think that the idea of traveling abroad in order to get dental implants is slightly excessive and tedious. However, because of the cost of local dental service, patients in developed nations are looking elsewhere for affordable implant procedures. While initially not well known, Vietnam has slowly yet steadily become an ideal dental tourism destination in the world. A lot of high-class dental clinic are scattered across the country which often concentrates around major urban centers like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Among dental clinics in Hanoi, Vietnam capital, Navii Dental Care is the prime example of the Southeast Asia nation healthcare service.
Founded by a team of talented dentists, Navii Dental Care is able to provide affordable implants that match international standards. The clinic is equipped with top of the line facilities from reputable brands in the business such as Sirona and Anthos which ensure consistent customer satisfaction. Advanced dental technologies are incorporated into the clinic service as soon as they are available.
For implants operations, the Hanoi dental clinic provides all-on-4 and all-on-6 procedures which are highly rated by many patients. With special attention on sterilization, the risk of infection and complications is minimized which mean you have little thing to worry about. In general, no matter what is the procedure, the first and foremost priority of Navii Dental Care is the patient health.